Camp Explore

Camp Explore is more than just a location; its a destination.

Thank you for your interest in the TFS’ Summer Camp Program. Camp Explore will resume this summer 2025 offering an exemplary children’s overnight camping experience. Children in the 3rd to 8th grades will explore the Sierra Nevada trails, lakes and peaks with new camp friends. Tahoe Family Solutions is excited to offer our Camp Explore and Explorer’s Club programs at no cost to our community in 2024!

Questions? Call 775-413-5145 or email us at

Para espanol llame 775-413-5145 or correo at

A snapshot of Camp Explore 2021

Camp Explore Video

Overnight Camping – Base Camp

For completed Grades 3rd through 6th

Our Base Camp Campers get to participate in a busy, fun filled summer schedule with our amazing Base Camp Counselors. Each Counselor will maintain the same group of campers throughout our summer session. Opportunities to create strong friendships, lasting memories, and participate in many activities such as hiking, swimming, kayaking, crafting, and so much more. Our Base Camp Campers will have the opportunity to learn outdoor skills & safety, make s’mores around a campfire, and explore nature as a team. Camp Explore is excited to meet our campers this year. We look forward to a wonderful, fun, and exciting summer season!

Backpacking Group

For completed grades 6th through 8th

Children who have completed 6th thru 7th grade will be part of the backpacking group. Our Backpackers get to learn so many skills with our Wilderness First Responder Certified Expedition staff. They can create strong friendships, lasting memories, and participate in many activities such as hiking, swimming, kayaking, crafting, and so much more. Our Backpackers will learn the skills to be successful campers in the backcountry, gain outdoor skills & safety, and learn how to become environmental stewards of our local habitats.

Camp Explore would like to thank
our collaborative partners:

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